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Are you prepared to meet Death in your final days?

Slenderman hasn't forgotten you.... Even if you've forgotten him.

Meet Freedom the Dragon! He's a bit confused with human technology, but I think he did well! I did this after seeing an illustration by baka77 on Tumblr.

Jack Dollar Mystery. This is something I did in one of my audio classes. It was really fun to do!

This was an ad that was made for my university. Had a fun time making it!

It's Valentine's Day! A day to appreciate your loved ones. It can be a bit difficult if you are a cat, however.


Based on the webcomic The Gamer Cat.

Come sit down and enjoy a cup of hot coffee made by the wonderful Brewster.


Based on the video game Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Music is also from Animal Crossing.

This is an inspirational "audio session" that I made for my Tumblr account after hearing a fan tell me about some of the hard things he/she was going through. I decided to make this to help those struggling in life, and seeking help and comfort.

Music is from Spirited Away

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